I Hate Computers

So we had the malware attack as I said before ….

Lately I’ve switched away from using computers and gone back to typewriters. I like ’em. I gotta retype all my stuff into a computer but what the hell. You can’t hack a typewriter. Can’t get malware. All you gotta do is make sure your pages don’t catch on fire or blow away in the wind.

I got like 11 or 12 of the damn things, and here’s one. It’s a Smith Corona Galaxie 12 I had repainted. It was originally blue. Gorgeous machine. Types well.

I had it done by Meagan Syata at Unplug Typewriter Company on Etsy. Go there and buy a typewriter. She does great work.



How you doin’?

We’ve been busy lately. A malware attack ruined this website (does that mean I’m getting noticed?) and we had to put it all back together over the last 30 days. All the old posts are gone because I’m an idiot who never backs up his data. Anyway we’re going to re-start the party and keep you up to date with all the goings on, or not, depending on my mood, as it’s been a shitty year – I liked 2020 better. Anyway thanks for stopping by and stay tuned …